Outsourcing scanning
Even though you have an in-house scanner, it may not be your best solution for scanning:
- If your scanner is also the office copier, scanning could only be done after hours.
- The scanner might be too slow.
- The workspace set-up might not be efficient for scanning.
- The condition of the documents to be scanned – different paper sizes, wrinkles, staples, faded fax printouts – might require special handling.
Outsourcing scanning to a copy service can be the solution. It is faster and cost effective for a company without a dedicated scanner system.
If you want to do it in-house instead:
- Get a quality scanner,
- Learn how to use your scanner software, and
- Set up an efficient workspace for scanning.
File naming conventions:
Come up with a consistent, easily understood system early on. For example, using documents’ Bates numbering with a 3-letter case name prefix.
Listed under Outsourcing, Reference, Saving time Tagged Bates numbering, document scanning