2004 Team RB Conference report

YongWeekend Workout covered best business practices & new updates

The 2nd annual Team RB conference, Weekend Workout, October 16, 2004 in Houston, TX, focused on best business practices for protecting proprietary information from loss or misuse, and protecting business income from fraud and embezzlement. Plus team leaders demonstrated highlights of the latest updates to RB7 and RB Web.

Each session ended with a question-and-answer segment, which gave all attendees the opportunity to ask questions about not only the topics covered in the session, but about anything impacting their businesses. In addition to the speakers, other attendees gave answers and suggestions about best business practices and using RB software.


Approximately 90 court reporting firm owners and managers from across the country attended the Weekend Workout. In addition to the sessions, Team RB held two receptions where attendees networked, socialized and met face-to-face with the entire ReporterBase team.

“One of the best conferences! Very informative and interesting. Yong is very funny! Thank you very much.”

— Weekend Workout attendee

Sessions covered technology, management solutions

Yong and StellaThe four sessions in the 2004 Team RB Conference were aimed at court reporting firm owners and managers. They were also of interest to anyone thinking of investing in a court reporting business or starting their own firm, and who wants to know what the state-of-the-art currently is in office management systems for court reporting firms and what the future may hold.


As attendees enjoyed a continental breakfast, Ronnie Sampson, OMTI’s creative director, introduced the conference with some good news/bad news.

He announced that RB8 will be delayed another year (the bad news), but that the latest updates for RB7 and RB Web were available, they’re free (the good news), and they are the way RB users will transition to RB8’s new way of managing business.

Session 1

Warm Up: Assessing & Organizing

attendeesThe first step in any fitness regimen is assessing your current state and setting up your routines. In this seminar, Stella Chang, OMTI ’s vice president of marketing and sales, first lead participants through an organizational assessment of their business and discuss problems with how they currently handle documents and files, such as e-Transcripts, exhibits, receipts and supporting paperwork. She then demonstrated new ways to organize, protect and retrieve information using RB Web technology.

Stella also introduced and demonstrated RB Central, part of the free RB Web update, which provides an easy method of centralizing a company’s files, and also provides a convenient way to share files with reporters and between reporters.

CEUs awarded: .10

Session 2

Step It Up: New Technology

yong demoTo keep fit, you’ve got to keep moving forward. This seminar looked to the immediate and long-range future of office technology with overviews and demonstrations of the latest RB software. Specifically, Yong Lee, OMTI ’s president, demonstrated new features and enhancements in the latest RB7 and RB Web updates that attendees can start benefiting from immediately, while preparing themselves for future technology. Highlights include RB Web co-branding, so you can make your RB Web site more closely match your corporate website, and new back office options, so you can turn more features on and off for end users.

He also elaborated on RB Central’s reporter repository, plus he demonstrated the new case-centric features of the latest RB7 update. With this version, users can easily tie jobs to cases, a key change in preparation for RB8.

He also outlined an all-too-common scenario of how employees embezzle funds from court reporting firms. He then discussed steps firms should take to close any gaps in the financial oversight of their businesses.

Yong and Ikbum Kim, Director of Software Development, also discussed the latest Windows XP Service Pack and how it impacts RB software. They showed attendees how to deal with the restrictions presented by its new security enhancements, which could render some of their existing applications inoperable.

CEUs awarded: .10

Session 3

Firm Up: Back-up & Recovery

Jason and AhnEven with efficient organization and communication routines that incorporate the latest technology and business practices, you haven’t covered all aspects that affect the health of your business, such as protecting your proprietary information. In this seminar, Jason Yee and Ahn Nguyen, RB’s customer support leaders, discussed what can go wrong with data. With an increasingly paperless office, plus the streamlining efficiency of RB Central, important business information is vulnerable to attack, electrical disturbances and acts of God.

Then they introduced participants to several inexpensive and free solutions for backup and recovery that they can begin using immediately to prevent data loss and keep their businesses running in case disaster strikes. They also demonstrated a new RB backup utility that can protect all of a court reporting firm’s files, not just their RB7 data. And they reviewed RB7 online backup & relay service.

CEUs awarded: .10

Session 4

Mix It Up: Working with Others

tedOnce you’ve developed some business muscle, you can quickly extend your reach by working with other firms and providing desirable benefits to reporters. In this seminar, Yong presented and demonstrated RB Xchange, which makes firm-to-firm cooperation more efficient by providing a way to exchange RB job data without re-keying.

He also discussed future technology that integrates CAT systems with the RB system, reducing reporters’ record keeping burden. And he announced RB strategic partners and our plans for next year.

CEUs awarded: .10

More Weekend Workout attendee comments

attendeesI’ve been to several other conferences for reporting in general, and this is one of the most organized, informative and best so far. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for a wonderfully useful, nicely organized user conference. Not only was I well-fed, I certainly learned a LOT and made some great networking connections. You guys are great!

Thank you very much for your informative and helpful Weekend Workout User Conference. It was great seeing ya’ll again.  I enjoyed your presentation and learned quite a bit.

Thanks for everything, very well done. Will never miss one of your conferences.

Very informative conference. Yong’s sense of humor kept us all
in stitches.

breakAs usual, you put on a great event, and I think everyone came away with a lot of good info.

Very much appreciated meeting our support team
in person. Both Anh and Jason are knowledgeable & fun to work with.

I really liked the humor that was inserted throughout the day. Overall, the conference was very interesting and informative.

The conference topics were interesting, and I’m looking forward to learning more about them. Nice to share ideas with different RB users.

I had a great time. I always learn something of value and it keeps me thinking forward by being around so much talent.

Thanks for the enjoyable “Weekend Workout.”

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