Prepare for disasters

Business owners, like Boy Scouts, should always be prepared. Of course you already have an automated back-up system in place for your files, preferably to an off-site location. And you have additional resources you can call on should an emergency arise with a scheduled reporter. You have liability insurance, health insurance, workers’ comp, etc.

In short, you do what you can to mitigate the consequences of any foreseeable disaster. But what if a flood, fire, power outage or other disaster prevented you from getting to your office or accessing your company network? How would you take care of your clients? RB8 can help you with its Future Calendar function.

Email the future calendar to yourself

If you cannot access RB for whatever reason, how would you contact your clients for tomorrow’s jobs? Be prepared. Run the Calendar Printout report for future jobs every night before you go home. Then email the PDF version to your personal email account.

  1. In Calendar > Calendar Printout: Select Yes in the Future Calendar drop-down.
  2. If you want details, select Yes in the Show Detail drop-down.
  3. Click Search. RB8 lists all future jobs as a report.
  4. Click export button.
  5. In the Export dialog box, select MAPI in the Destination drop-down and click OK.
  6. In the Send Mail dialog box, enter your personal email account, then click Send.

The personal email account you use for this task should be independent of your office. In other words, it should not be a part of your office network or email system.

Listed under Best Practices, Disaster preparedness, RB instructions, RB8, Reference, Remote-izing your office, ReporterBase | Tagged , , , , , , ,