Add SSL certification to your RB Web
Did you ever have a client ask if your RB Web site is SSL-certified?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a common protocol used for managing secure exchanges of information over the Internet. It’s commonly used for e-commerce to protect your sensitive personal information when purchasing through an online store. You can usually tell that a site is secured this way because the web address will begin with “https” instead of “http,” and a gold lock icon is displayed somewhere on the browser frame.
RB Web data is encrypted and password protected, but if a client makes it a requirement that you additionally apply an SSL certificate to your site, we offer this option to RB Web subscribers for a monthly fee.
For RB Web subscribers, we offer include top quality SSL certification in a convenient, inexpensive package. For $20/month, you get at no additional cost:
- Trusted third-party validation of your web site identity by Comodo, whose SSL certificates are trusted by 99.3% of all web browsers.
- The verification logo is always visible unless you turn it off. It appears on every page of your site and if a page scrolls, the logo stays in the bottom-right corner of the browser.
- Point-to-verify technology — no clicking required. Your clients just point on the logo for an up-to-the-second real-time site identity assurance request.
Most lawyers won’t ask for this additional security, but some firms, especially those with their own IT department, might. With our secure site option feature, you can quickly satisfy this requirement, assuring all of your clients that their transcripts, repository and other online information is on an SSL-certified site.
We will add the verification logo to your site and maintain its SSL certification. You can cancel at any time.
Listed under Marketing, Options & plug-ins, RB Web, Reference, Security | Tagged Comodo, e-commerce, https, Secure Sockets Layer, trusted third-party