Provide online case repositories for sharing files

When you have several reporters working on the same case, it can be very useful for them to share certain files, such as a master word index. RB Web online offices for reporters are integrated with RB8’s built-in central repository, so you can upload files from the office for reporters to access online and reporters assigned to the same case can share files through the case repository.

  1. In Calendar > Case Manager, locate a case.
  2. In the case’s detail window, click the Case-level Repository tab.
  3. Click New. In the New Upload window, click:
    • Select Files – to select a single file or several files in a folder.
    • Select Folder – to select an entire folder.
  4. In the Open dialog box, browse for the folder/file(s) you want to upload, then click Open.
  5. In the New Upload window, check the Publish box and choose an appropriate Access level.
  6. Click Save and Close. The file(s) upload to the repository.

Reporters can upload case files to share, such as master word indexes, and download files through RB Web’s Repository tab. Job files, such as transcripts and exhibit files, should be uploaded through RB Web’s Turn-in tab.

Listed under RB instructions, Reference, Remote-izing your office, Reporter perks, Saving time | Tagged ,