Set up a case repository

To give parties to a case online access to case files, you must set up the case in RB8, add parties to the case (entering their firms and other information into RB8), assign passwords and user IDs to parties, scan and upload documents into RB8 and turn on access through RB Web.

In addition to setting up case parties, scan and name case files using your company’s scanning software or a third party. Then upload the case files to RB8’s central repository and make them instantly available to case parties on RB Web.

  1. In Calendar > Case Manager, click Actions > New, then enter case information in the New Case window.
  2. Click Save, then click the Parties tab.
  3. Click New. In the New Party window, click the binoculars button. In the Lookup Contact window, enter the party’s name (can be a partial name), then click Search.
  4. If the party is listed, double-click it to select it. If the party does not appear, click New and enter the party’s information in the New Contact window. Be sure to assign a Web Account Name and Web Password on the Additional tab. Then click Save and Close.
  5. In the New Party window, enter information about the party and check that Allow case-level repository access in RBWeb is turned on.
  6. Click Save and Close.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 to add additional parties.
  8. To add files to the case repository, click Case-level Repository.
  9. Click New. In the New Upload window, click:
    • Select Files – to select a single file or several files in a folder.
    • Select Folder – to select an entire folder.
  10. In the Open window, locate the folder/file(s). Select the folder/file(s), then click Open.
  11. Update the file information for each file listed in the grid, check its Publish box and choose an appropriate Access level to make this file available to parties through RB Web.
  12. Click Save and Close. RB8 uploads the file to the repository.

File naming conventions:

Come up with a consistent, easily understood system early on. For example, using documents’ Bates numbering with a 3-letter case name prefix.

See also

Make RB8’s central repository work for you

Outsourcing scanning

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