Confirm next day’s jobs by email
Instead of calling each client to confirm the next day’s job, send confirmation request emails to all clients at once first thing in the morning. Then follow up with phone calls for those clients who have not replied within a certain allotted time. This practice saves you time by reducing phone tag with your clients while offering security to scheduling secretaries.
- In Calendar > Send Confirmations, click the eraser (at the lower left) first to clear all defaults. Specify Job Date From/To, then click Search.
- In the Form Name drop-down, select the confirmation request form.
- Check the Show mail composer for Email box (at the bottom left) so that you can personalize the subject line and the body of the email message for each client.
- Highlight all jobs. Right-click on the grid, then choose Send.
See also
Who to send confirmation emails to
Change the default settings for the subject line and body of emails
Listed under Communicating with clients, Marketing, RB instructions, RB8, Reference, ReporterBase, Saving time Tagged phone tag, Send Confirmations