Where to find RB news & information

Depending on what you are looking for, you can find information about RB on our websites, on social media, in webinars, or in our monthly ads in the NCRA’s Journal of Court Reporting (JCR).

Latest news

We post news in various social media, on our company website, and in emails to RB users:

Account information

In the OMTI Customer Portal: support.omti.com, you can (depending on your access level):

  • Look up which OMTI products and plug-ins you currently have.
  • Increase/decrease subscriptions.
  • Update your credit card info.
  • View, download and pay invoices.
  • Add, update and manage users.

For more details, read the archived article about the portal.

Product information

In the RB section of our website, you can:

  • Read general information about RB products & services, including update contents, plug-in descriptions and subscription cost.
  • Calculate your RB system set-up and its costs using the system estimator and downloadable cost calculator.
  • Download comprehensive product sheets, pricing guides and info sheets on select features.

For an orientation to all the function in RB9, visit the RB9 Primer, where every function is covered in a stand-alone lesson. You can also sign up there to have a lesson sent to your inbox every week.

RB manuals

Download manuals, guides & appendices for staff, resources and clients from the Downloads page on our website.

Training videos

View RB training videos:

Step-by-step instructions

In addition to instructions in RB manuals and training videos, you can also find step-by-step instructions here on Idea Salad.

Product update information

Our development team is constantly improving and expanding our products. There are several ways to find out what is in current, future and past RB updates:

  • Monthly newsletters: RB clients can opt to receive our monthly newsletters which contain the latest information from OMTI, including RB updates.
  • Team RB conference webinar: Follow one or more of our news channels above for latest conference info.
    Attend this annual online user conference to learn about what is in the last major updates of the year to RB and RB Web.
  • Updates section of our website: https://www.omti.com/rb/products/updates/index.html
    Contains descriptions of new features added in past major updates.
  • KnowledgeBase in the OMTI Customer Portal: support.omti.com
    Contains articles listing new features and bug fixes in each update.
  • Idea Collaborator in the OMTI Customer Portal: support.omti.com
    Track the implementation of new ideas in current and future updates, plus submit your own feature ideas and vote on others’ suggestions here.
  • Minor updates, such as when a single function is added to RB, are announced via our news channels described above.

RB Support

In addition to contacting RB Support via phone, fax & email, you can also chat live during OMTI business hours via the Live Chat button on all pages of our website: www.omti.com.

For information on what is included in RB Support, visit https://www.omti.com/rb/products/support.html

Free job exchange

RB users can find other RB users to share jobs with in a database of contact information for users across the country who accept jobs from other court reporting agencies using RB.

The job exchange database, RBXchange, is accessed in the OMTI Customer Portal: support.omti.com

Listing in RBXchange is free, but you must register with OMTI to join. Contact OMTI to sign up.

Free marketing materials

OMTI provides RB users with a variety of free materials, such as brochures, PowerPoint presentations, and product logos, to use to promote their RB-related services. Access these templates and graphics in the Team RB Marketing Materials section of our website: www.omti.com/rb/team-RB/marketing/index.html

News archives, including RB ads

Finally, this website is the place to look for:

  • News articles that previously appeared on our company website
  • RB’s monthly ads that have appeared in the JCR since 2000.


Listed under RB Connect, RB Connect Mobile, RB instructions, RB Lite, RB9, Reference, ReporterBase, Team RB | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,