RB9 Winter 2020 update features security & convenience
The first RB9 update of 2020 incorporates client requests from the Idea Collaborator and best business practices for security and accounting.
ReporterBase 9.10
Release date: February 16, 2020
More secure with 2FA log-in
This update includes the option to use two-factor authentication (2FA) for logging in to RB9 and RB Connect. 2FA is a way to more securely confirm a user’s identity by adding a second factor to signing in with a user name and password.
Set up 2FA in RB9:
Set up 2FA in RB Connect:
In RB9 and RB Connect, 2FA uses a verification code that is sent to the user’s email address or mobile device, which the user then enters during sign-in to confirm their identity. Verification is per device, so users can set their device to require 2FA each time they log in (for example, on a public computer) or only the first time (e.g., on their dedicated work computer). Device verification is good for 2 years.
Verify 2FA in RB9:
Verify 2FA in RB Connect:
Easier to change billing contact when Bill To firm is same as Sold To firm
Previously, if the Sold To firm on a job, case, or invoice was the same as the Bill To firm, but the firm’s billing contact was different than the ordering contact, you had to reselect the firm in the Bill To section of the job party to select the correct contact. Now when you designate the Sold To firm as the Bill To firm, you can change the default Bill To contact by unchecking Same As Sold To,then using the Bill To Contact drop-down without losing the Bill To firm information.
In Case Manager:
In Jobs List View:
In Turn In > New Invoice:
Aged A/R report for earlier time periods & more
The interactive Aged A/R report is even more useful with these 3 latest changes. You can now:
- Generate Aged A/R reports for prior time periods.
- See how many days old an invoice is in its Aged A/R detail screen.
- See the Total Amount line in Excel spreadsheets exported using the Export with invoices button.
Daily Balance Log adjusted to work with new Aged A/R
Previously, the Aged A/R report was limited to aging accounts from today only. So if you wanted an A/R summary aged from a previous date, you used the Daily Balance Log. With the ability now to choose a different date to age receivables from in Aged A/R reports, discrepancies could occur between the 2 reports because Daily Balance Log used the date when receivables were posted but Aged A/R reports use the date when receivables are entered.
If you have ever entered a receivables transaction without posting it the same day, you can see how that could be a problem when checking the Daily Balance Log posted amounts against an Aged A/R report for a prior time period because Aged A/R tracks invoices’ balances when receivable transactions are added to RB9, not when the receivables are posted. Daily Balance Log now uses the Entered Date instead of the Post Date to match the Aged A/R process.
More transcript options
PDF/A options have been added to RB-PDF Transcripts. PDF/A file formats are specialized versions of PDF files designed for archiving/preserving electronic documents. They differ from PDF by prohibiting features unsuitable for long-term archiving, such as digital signatures. This option is available for PDF transcripts created in RB9 and by clients exporting PDF transcripts from Transcript Packages in RB Connect and RB Connect Mobile.
PDF/A options for full-size transcripts:
Two pages per sheet condensed transcripts option. You now can set up condensed transcripts with 2 ASCII pages per sheet, in addition to the original 4 pages per sheet. This option is available for PDF transcripts created in RB9 and by clients exporting PDF transcripts from Transcript Packages in RB Connect and RB Connect Mobile.
Multiple highlight colors in Transcript Packages. Contacts can set up multiple highlight selections in Transcript Packages in RB Connect and RB Connect Mobile defined by color and label. They can export all their highlights combined into one file or export them individually by highlight color.
Set up & apply highlight colors:
Export highlighted content by category:
Remove inactive contacts from notification threads automatically
When you move a contact to inactive status, you can choose to have their email addresses automatically deleted from notification email lists so they will no longer receive those emails.
Track resource certification expirations
You can add expiration dates to resources’ certifications, plus set a reminder date for your staff to send resources a notice to renew their certifications before they expire.
More flexible time-off requests
Resources can easily ask for time off by day, hour, or a longer time period. Longer time periods can be full days (like vacations), or specific periods in the days (like when taking a class).
More update improvements
- Send assignment notifications to resources by email and SMS simultaneously. (Calendar)
- Job printouts can include scheduling notes. (Calendar)
- Post and archive invoices at the same time.
In Turn In:
In Post Invoices:
- Firm and Contact Results grids include Warning column. (Entities)
- Multi-page statements include current page number of total page numbers to easily identify the page. (Receivables)
- Users and Groups has mobile vendor option added for mobile phones. (Setup)
- Assignment notifications can now have files attached from Firm repository. (System Preferences)
- Can set End Time default for new jobs. (System Preferences)
Listed under RB Connect, RB9, RB9 update, Saving money, Security Tagged 2FA, Aged A/R, Availability, certification, condensed transcripts, daily balance log, PDF, PDF/A, RB Connect, RB-PDF Transcript, RB9, RB9 update, time-off, Transcript Packages