Exchange jobs with fellow RB7 & RB8 users
[This article has been revised to include info for RB8 users.]
Are you using RB 7.9 or RB8? These versions of RB office management software make it easy to exchange job information between RB users via email without re-keying.
If you refer jobs to other court reporting firms or get job referrals yourself, you can save time and reduce errors when exchanging jobs with other firms who also use RB 7.9/RB8 with RB XChange.
The way it works is simple
If you have a job you want another court reporting firm to handle for you, you assign the job to them as you would assign a job to a reporter. Then, with the click of a button, you create a file attached to the Reporter Worksheet that contains all of the job’s RB data.
After receiving your email, the court reporting firm you are sending the job to imports the email attachment into their RB calendar — no re-keying, no misspellings, no lost information.
Join our free referral network
To make it easier for RB 7.9/RB8 users to take advantage of this time-saving feature, we’ve set up a list of registered users called the RB XChange Job Exchange Group. It’s free, but you have to join to be listed and to get access to the contact list of members.
Joining is easy: In the Team RB section of our website, follow the link to RB XChange and download the application form. Fill it in, sign it and return it to us. Complete instructions are included on the form. If you are an RB 7.9/RB8 user with a Standard or Premium software maintenance contract, or if you use RB Subscribe, you’re eligible to join.
Because we value our clients’ privacy, the Job Exchange Group is strictly an opt-in list. Once your application is processed, we’ll add you to the list and notify you. You can then access the list by clicking the RB XChange button on our website in the Team RB section.
Contact RB Sales if you have any questions.
Listed under News archives, RB8, Team RB Tagged job exchange, RB XChange, RB7, referral network