Your RB Connect branding checklist
RB Connect is a great way to market to your services. Providing services 24/7/365 and cutting expenses for your clients plus offering online case repository access to attending attorneys strengthen the value of the services you provide while enticing new clients to try your services.
Before you connect your clients/potential clients with your RB Connect, brand it with your company identity. In a previous newsletter, we discussed branding your RB9 communications. You can apply the same ideas to your RB Connect.
There are many branding opportunities in RB Connect including the new Send Invitations function which automates the process of inviting contacts and resources to use your RB Connect with customized emails. Instead of settling for the default options provided, edit the letters for both clients and resources to better reflect your unique business.
Don’t forget your resources
Because marketing doesn’t only matter on the client side but the resource side too, use the options in RB Connect for customizing forms and emails that you send to reporters and other resources. For example if you offer incentives for bringing in new clients, you could highlight that or tout other perks.
With so many branding opportunities in RB Connect, we have assembled a list of them so you can make sure you are not overlooking any. In addition to customizing before you first offer RB Connect, we recommend reviewing your RB Connect branding periodically to see if it needs updating to keep your branding on point. This checklist should help whenever you want to review your branding.
Branding options in RB Connect
Required & recommended branding basics
Start with the options in RB9’s Connect module under Connect Preferences > Branding. Some of these are required, but why not treat them all as required? They can help your site stand out from the rest.
- Edit the text that identifies your RB Connect on the tab at the top of browser windows.
- Add your logo to the welcome screen.
- Use your company colors for the text and background on the welcome screen. (If they are hard to read together, substitute black or white for one of the colors.)
- Edit the text that will appear on welcome screens. Use the same or different text for contacts and resources. Style the text with font sizes, type faces, colors, indents, etc. You can even add hyperlinks to your company site and images.
- Add a title/headline that will appear above the login fields on your contact welcome page. Use the same or a different one for the resource welcome page.
- Customize the look of interior pages of your RB Connect. Brand them with your company logo at the top of each page and company colors in menus, page headers, and section headers.
- If you have RB Connect Mobile, you can also use your own logo for what appears on a user’s phone when they select the option to save the web page to their home screen.
Emails+ branding
Continuing in the Connect Preferences function, customize automatic emails and the Announcements section of your RB Connect dashboard. Style the text with font sizes, type faces, colors, indents, lists, etc. You can even add hyperlinks to your company site and images such as your company logo.
- Invitation Letters: Send different emails to contacts and resources to give them targeted information for using your RB Connect.
- Forgot Password emails for contacts and resources can have the same or different content.
- Announcements panel for both the Contact and Resource sides (Contact-Announcements and Resource-Announcements). In addition to the basic branding, you can add news about your company, explain your services, and change the content periodically to catch the user’s eye.
- Support Ticket Notification emails to contacts and resources can have the same or different content (Contact-Support Tickets and Resource-Support Tickets).
- New Job Notification emails to contacts (Contact-Calendar).
- Request Job Confirmation emails to contacts (Contact-Calendar).
- Request Cancel Job Notification emails to contacts (Contact-Calendar).
- Payment Receipt emails (Contact-Account Activity).
- Transcript Package Notification emails (Contact-Transcript Packages).
- File Upload Notification emails for Case/Job/Witness/Invoice-level repositories (Contact-Repository).
- Time Off Approval/Denial Notification emails (Resource-Availability).
Forms+ branding
On a more advanced level, add branding to Form Templates (in Tools module) that will be attached to emails sent from RB Connect:
- Job Confirmations
- Job Cancellations
- Assignment Notifications
- Assignment Cancellations
- Payment Receipts
Finally, you can customize the boilerplate text in Notes Templates (in Tools module) that are included in forms. (Contents in Notes Templates appear in other places in RB9. We are focusing on only notes that also appear in forms sent to clients and resources.) In addition to font formatting and text/background colors, you could include some of your company branding text in:
- Case Remarks: Text appears on Assignment Notification worksheets if the Case > Remarks data field is added in Form Templates.
- Job Confirmation Notes: Text appears on Job Confirmation emails and Assignment Notification worksheets if the Job > ConfirmationNotes field is added in Form Templates.
- Job Production/Billing Notes: Text appears on Assignment Notification worksheets if the Job > ProductionBillingNotes field is added in Form Templates.
- Resource Notification Notes: Text appears on Assignment Notification worksheets if the Job > ResourceNotificationNotes field is added in Form Templates.
Remind & reinforce
Since all of these options are included in RB Connect, you can use them to remind people of who you are and what you offer regularly. You don’t have to include different information in each option. Repetition is good — not everyone reads everything in your communications every time, so repeating your message across an array of communications can ensure that they will see it plus if they do see it multiple times it reinforces your message in their minds.
At the same time you can use different branding in specific options that makes the branding more relevant to the general content of the communication. And because you can change the contents of emails, announcements, forms, and boilerplate notes anytime, you can always tweak/update your branding or switch it around for seasonal messages or time limited offers.
Want more info?
To learn more, read the RB 101 lessons on Connect Preferences, Form Templates, and Notes Templates. If you want to learn how to use these features, refer to the RB9 User Guide.
Listed under Communicating with clients, Communicating with resources, Customizing RB9, Marketing, RB Connect Tagged RB Connect, RB Connect Mobile