Information for users of ReporterBase & MetaRecords, business management software for legal support businesses

Update forms for hybrid job locations

The November 6, 2023 RB9 update included a couple of new features that require some setup on your part if you are going to use them. This article details our recommendations for updating forms that are affected by the new ability to schedule both in-person and Zoom meetings for the same job.

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New functions & other improvements in 2023 Q4 RB9 update

You will start seeing improvements in the latest RB9 update even before you sign in: The Login screen now automatically displays the last Login Name used eliminating the need to enter your user name every time. The latest RB9 update,

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Things to Know/Do After RB 9.44 Update Release

The next RB9 update — to be released Nov. 6, 2023 — includes 2 new features that will require some setup on your part for your RB9 to work correctly

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It’s your information — use it! Part 2

Find contacts who haven’t used RB Connect in a while with your own RB9 Query Maker report

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It’s your information — use it!

Generate client lists for your sales reps and Client Of resources using RB9’s Query Maker

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Exhibit linking in RB9 animation

RB9 can automatically hyperlink exhibits to RB-PDF Transcripts

Posted on by OMTI’s Communications Director.

New and updated training videos in RB Help Center

In last month’s newsletter we included a list of updated step-by-step tutorials in the RB Help Center. This month we have added new and updated training videos for RB9 and RB Lite. We have also added subtitles to the training videos

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Updated step-by-step tutorials available online

The RB Help Center has a wealth of training materials for you and your staff to get up to speed on RB9 and RB Lite. And since RB9 has gone through multiple updates since its release in 2018, we have

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Free content for promoting online turn-in

Persuade your reporters to turn in jobs online using this free content in your outreach

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RB-PDF Transcript animation

Generate PDF transcripts from ASCII files in RB9

Posted on by OMTI’s Communications Director.