Category Archives: RB instructions

Email request acknowledgment as soon as job is set

When you receive a new job request from a client, it is a good practice to send an acknowledgment to let the client know that you have received the request and will call a day before to reconfirm the job.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Email cancellation confirmation as soon as job is cancelled

When a job is cancelled or rescheduled by a client, it is critical to send a confirmation to let the client know that the original job setting has been cancelled by the client. This will protect your firm from a possible law suit in the future.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Confirm next day’s jobs by email

Instead of calling each client to confirm the next day’s job, send confirmation request emails to all clients at once first thing in the morning.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Change the default settings for the subject line and body of emails

These instructions apply to both confirmation and cancellation emails

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Using the global clipboard

You can copy text from look-up fields in one function, then paste into the same type of fields in another function.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Offer incentive bonus programs

Well-planned incentive bonus programs can help you attract and retain highly talented reporters.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Know who has stopped calling

According to a marketing study, your chances of winning back a former client are statistically two to four times higher than landing a new one.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Know what clients prefer

With today’s cutthroat competition from all sides, trying to compete on price can be a quick road to ruin for a small company.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Printing form letters to contacts

Use RB8’s extensive variety of form letters to streamline your correspondence to contacts.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.

Assigning resources quickly

RB8’s Quick Assignments allows you to quickly assign reporters to all of a day’s jobs with no clicking required.

Posted on by OMTI Communications Director.